Industrial IoT

Discover IoT use cases, applications, and case studies across various industries.

Build the perfect IoT solution on the Davra Platform.

We work with companies across various industries, including equipment manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, transport, and more.

Whether you want to digitise your products, monitor assets remotely, or optimise a process, the Davra platform lets you unlock the full potential of your business.

a busy street with tall buildings with lights in the windows at night


a modern assembly line using computer vision for quality control
Discover how Industrial IoT is transforming manufacturing through connected products, factories, and supply chains. Explore some of our use cases and customer success stories inside...
A dump truck driving on a road in a remote location
Mining & Natural Resources
Explore Industrial IoT use cases and success stories in mining and natural resources. Learn about worker safety, process optimisation, environment monitoring, and more...
A train stopped at station
Transport & Logistics
Explore industrial IoT use cases and success stories in the Transport and Logistics space. Discover asset tracking, fleet management, predictive maintenance, cargo tracking, and more...

A reliable fully scalable AEP which offers state of the art functionality and security.

General Manager, Service Industry


Tips and IIoT insights to help you transform your business

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